Since time immemorial, the spirit of this huge yet tiny world, in the infinite universe, has been greatly humiliated by the evil. While the truth has been hanged in the form of “Ann-ul-Haq”. The existence of both, good and evil, at the same time is inevitable because the absence of either of the two makes man’s hidden meaning meaningless.
Perhaps man is the only creature that came into being from nothingness thanks to pure soil, and perhaps this pure soil was too corrupted by the sculpture of this pure soil. This carving of clay is called “Ashraf-al-Makhluqat” or “the highest of creature” in layman’s term, which according to me is absolutely wrong, except for “Ashraf al Nas” or “the best among humans”.
“Ashraf” means the most honorable, which man was supposed to be!
Instead of this word “Ashraf”, the word “cruel and vile” perfectly suits human destination and after all, why not when man do not have the substance of “what human should be” and the nobility of “Ashraf”.
Although the word “human” is very appropriate and dear to be said, but man is not worthy to be called “human being”.
In the guise of human beings, these monstrous creatures, whom we also call men and women, fabricate such unique and shocking stories of conspiracies, oppression, brutality and fraud that even the throne of Divine Spirit trembles. Seeing the brutalities of man against man, innumerable creatures deprived of the title of “Ashraf” would surely thanks the Creator in prostrations for not being awarded with the honor of “Ashraf-al-Makhluqat”.
Woe to man for losing his dignity; woe to man for not finding god deep himself, woe to man offending his own elder.
It is a pity that a man is not sure of his own self and has entered into the torment of mistrust, misbehavior and disbelief.
When men start insulting and corrupting each other freely and willingly, are they still “the highest of creatures”?
Perhaps, this state of human affairs render useless the value of God, culture, civilization and consciousness.